Emerging Leaders

Successful Virtual Events Need More Than Just the ‘Wow’ Factor

By Karla Baldelli, Vice President, Donor Engagement, RKD Group When COVID-19 began its spread, nonprofit organizations had to make the challenging decision to postpone – and even

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Direct Mail Data Accuracy is Vital Now, More Than Ever.

By John Bell, MMI Direct Data accuracy is essential to meet USPS deliverability requirements. Especially now during the busy year-end fundraising season. Address hygiene is particularly critical as

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Virtual Networking

By Jennifer Deerr, K2D Strategies Conferences and educational sessions (including those sponsored by DMFA!) are an important part of professional growth and provide great opportunities for networking.

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How COVID-19 Has Made Me a Better Fundraiser

By Jessica Harrington, The Harrington Agency Because there’s no precedent for what we’re living through right now, every decision, strategy, and tactic is unique to this time

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DMFA Stands for Racial Equality and Justice

We are at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history and the battle for justice and equality for all. The tragic and senseless murders of George Floyd,

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On March 30, nearly 450 non-profit professionals, consultants and agencies from around the country gathered for the DMFA’s webinar on direct mail and digital fundraising during

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Crisis or Not: Six Quick Wins for Your Direct Marketing Program

Here’s a Direct Marketing Quick Win Checklist for immediate benefits to your fundraising programs. Consistent, quality data hygiene is essential. Accurate data saves money, saves time,

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Direct Response in Crisis Mode: Learning From Experience

There’s an old saying in direct response that whatever new creative concept everyone in the office likes most is the one most likely to fail.  And

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How to Create a Crisis Appeal

I’ve seen lots of discussion lately about how—and if—nonprofit organizations should talk about the coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis. I believe it is important that you

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