2024 Direct Marketing 101

In June 2024, the DMFA ran a full day workshop on the fundamentals needed to create a profitable Direct Marketing program for nonprofit fundraisers. The presentations of these insightful sessions are available for those who registered to attend and all of our members. Any technical issues accessing the material, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Creative: Bill Tucker, Vice President, Avalon Consulting

Presentation:DM 101 Creative June 2024

Data Hygiene/Processing: John Bell, Vice President Sales, MMI and Ross Fate, Senior Account Director, MMI

Presentation: DMFA Data Hygiene and Processing June 2024

Production: Leigh Ann Doyle, Account Director, PMG

Presentation: DMFA DM101 Production Presentation June 2024

Database/Analytics: Mary GetzPresident, MESG Marketing

Presentation:DMFA DM 101 CRM Database analytics June 2024

Acquisition List Strategy: Susan Packard,Vice President, Adstra Nonprofit 

Presentation: DMFA DM101 Acquisition June 2024

Multi-Channel Marketing, Nova Cohen -Prohow, Vice President of Client ServicesAvalon Consulting 

Presentation: DM 101 Multichannel June 2024

Telefundraising/Text Marketing  – Caroline Mendez, VP of Client ServicesSD&A Teleservices & Chrissy Hyre, Principal and Senior Vice President, CC&H

Presentation: DMFA TM–SMS 101

This session was moderated by John Bell, MMI Direct. If you have any questions on the content, you can feel free to reach out to him at [email protected]

CFRE Credit

Completion of both days of the DM 101 is applicable for 7 POINT in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.