June 24, 2024

The Experts (and ChatGPT) on Technology Trends, Algorithms, and AI: Part 3

By Sarah Birnie, Vice President of Analytics at Avalon Consulting As we wrapped up our AI interview, I asked experts to share any “AI fails” they’ve experienced. (Before you read on, get caught up with Part 1 in the DMFA Newsletter and Part 2 here!) The experts: Roger Hiyama | Executive Vice President, Solutions & […]
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The Experts (and ChatGPT) on Technology Trends, Algorithms, and AI: Part 2

The Experts (and ChatGPT) on Technology Trends, Algorithms, and AI: Part 2 By Sarah Birnie, Vice President of Analytics at Avalon Consulting In Part 1 of this conversation in the DMFA print newsletter, we learned how leaders have been using AI — and now we’ll hear new, innovative ways teams are putting machine learning to […]
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May 1, 2024

Beyond the Mailbox

Redefining Success in Multi-Touchpoint Fundraising Landscape by Bruce Hammer, Path2Response For seasoned nonprofit marketers, the landscape of direct mail has irrevocably shifted. Today, a dynamic ecosystem of fundraising channels demands a nuanced understanding of success, measured not just by dollars in the mailbox but by the intricate dance of multi-touchpoint engagement. Redefining the Metrics of […]
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March 28, 2024

Data-Driven Mid-Level Programs Thrive

By Jeff Muller, Crossroads Insights LLC At a time when the percent of U.S. households giving to charity continues to decrease dramatically—less than half give now as compared with two-thirds just twenty years ago—the need to deploy data wisely in service to building durable donor relationships has never been greater. For the mid-level practitioner, data […]
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January 3, 2024

Is It Time to Change Fundraising Appliances?

by Sarah Harris, Account Director, The Harrington Agency It’s time to move away from the same old funnel and curated linear journeys. Instead, create an environment where prospects and donors are exposed to surround sound treatment at every step of their journey. Brand Awareness and fundraising campaigns should not be mutually exclusive campaigns. Both should […]
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December 11, 2023

DMFA Condemns All Acts of Bigotry Violence and Hatred

The DMFA is deeply saddened by the surge of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab violence rising in New York and across the country. We support and stand in solidarity with our members being impacted. We condemn all acts of bigotry, violence, and hatred. People of all faiths, ethnicities, races, and backgrounds are welcome at DMFA events, […]
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October 30, 2023

To Brand or Not to Brand, That is the Question

By Jeff Muller, Crossroads Insights LLC Behavioral science makes clear that, by nature, humans seek connection and belonging. This primal need sits at the core of how we should be thinking about engaging both current and prospective donors—and raises the question about how best to frame our relationships with them. This is especially important for […]
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September 12, 2023

Empowering Diversity and Inclusion: DMFA’s New Accessibility Tool

  At the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association (DMFA), we work to ensure everyone has equal access to career growth and learning opportunities, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, disability, nationality, economic background, or personal identity. Through our programming, we drive meaningful discussions, advocate systemic change, and amplify diverse fundraising professionals’ voices. As an addition to […]
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August 31, 2023

Mid-Level Success Requires Multi-Faceted Relationship Building

By Jeff Muller, Crossroads Insights LLC Bridging between low-dollar annual and major giving—and being a key feeder for planned giving—mid-level programs play an essential role in the philanthropic ecosystem. Yet occupying this nexus of the various individual giving programs creates unique relational opportunities and challenges for mid-level teams, a theme recently explored in conversation with […]
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August 25, 2023

Lessons from Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference 2023

–Michele C. Collins, Donor Development Officer,  Marine Corps Association Foundation I had the privilege of attending the Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference 2023 thanks to a scholarship from the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association. The conference was a dynamic event focused on fundraising and integrated marketing with topics such as mid-level giving, stewardship, digital marketing, […]
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