Mid-Level Giving Benchmarking Summit Survey
The Benchmarking Survey is a critical element of the Mid-Level Giving Benchmarking Summit. Your organizations responses help us develop the general session content on mid-level program basics, overall trends, creative samples and provide helpful insights into the state of the overall mid-level sector. We also use the survey responses to do a deeper dive in breakout sessions where we review data, strategy and program benchmarks in a setting that allows for peer questions and discussions.
The information gathered in the survey is all top level and input by your organization. It does not include any specific donor data.
Learn more about our confidentiality guidelines around the information you provide here.
The survey has four (4) separate sections. Each section (Part A, B, C, D) should take no longer than 20-30 minutes to input the information or upload samples. Each section should be completed in one sitting. Each organization should select one individual to complete each section. Your organization will need to submit all four sections for the survey to be complete.
TIP: Past participants recommend that you use the sample .pdfs to review and prepare your responses. Then access the links below to complete and submit each part of the survey. For Part D, Metrics and More, many organizations leverage their internal analytics staff or an external analytics partner to assist with completion of that section of the survey.
Each section has its own due date but all sections are due no later than March 1, 2024.
The Benchmarking Survey
1. Part A: Program Overview – 30 minutes DUE 2/9
This section is focused on specific attributes and definitions within your Mid-Level Program. To help prepare to answer the survey, you can view the questions online or review a .pdf .
2. Part B: Strategy Overview- 30 minutes DUE 2/16
This section deals with program design, strategies and business rules you use with your Mid-Level Program including mass to mid-level upgrades and the pipeline to major gifts. It includes several open-ended questions about challenges and the annual burning question (a program highlight).
To help prepare to answer the survey, you can view the questions online or review a .pdf .
2. Part C: The Creative- 20 minutes DUE 2/23
This section is focused on collecting samples from across the Mid-Level Donor Journey. In this section we request 4 creative samples:
- Creative Example #1 – Mid-Level Acquisition Campaign (direct to file) -OR- a Mass Market to Mid-Level Conversion Campaign (used to upgrade mass donor giving to qualify for the mid-level program)
- Creative Example #2 – Mid-Level Donor appeal/solicitation/proposal package
- Creative Example #3 – Personalized stewardship touch from Relationship Manager/Concierge or Mid-Level Program Welcome Package
- Creative Example #4– Personalized Stewardship Touchpoint from Relationship Manager/Concierge -OR- Mid-Level Program Welcome Package/Digital Touchpoints
- To help us identify your files, please put your organizations name at the beginning of the file name. For example, if XYZ Charity is uploading an appeal campaign, please rename the file before uploading: XYZ_November 2023_Holiday Match Proposal Campaign or similar.
- Max File Size 16MB
2. Part D: Metrics and More- 25 minutes DUE 3/1
Part D of the Benchmarking Survey is focused on the numbers and the metrics you use to define and assess your Mid-Level Program. Your responses to Part D provide a foundation for benchmarking analysis and discussion during the Benchmarking Summit. To help prepare to answer the survey, you can view the questions online or review a .pdf .