With the advent of streaming services, television advertising, which used to be the domain of only the highest profile nonprofits is now easily accessible for most organizations. This medium is perfect for showing your mission and why it is important to give. In addition this new advertising vehicle has the capacity to target specific demographics and user bases plus track your results.

If a new and successful revenue stream sounds intriguing to you, download this webinar to hear how you can use better utilize Connected TV(CTV)/Over The Top (OTT)/Online Video (OLV). An informative case study on exploring how Be the Match used this media outlet to raise awareness of their mission is presented.

You will learn: 

  • The difference between CTV, OTT and OLV
  • How to determine which fits best into your awareness and fundraising program
  • How campaign measurement can help your organization step more confidently into this media

Watch the Webinar

Log in to the Members-only area to get the recording. You can also download the presentation. Not a member, join today.

If you have any issues logging in, please email [email protected]


Ryan Pena, National Marketing Director,Be The Match/National Marrow Donor Program

Jeff Cosgrove, Principal Data SalesEpsilon

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