Join Today!

Enhance Your Skills, Stay Current and Network with Direct Mail, Digital, and Multi-Channel Fundraising Professionals!

Register for a DMFA event or take advantage of DMFA’s numerous resources for fundraisers. A membership is needed for several of our events. Check out our many membership options. 


  • Individual membership is for one member of your organization — $150
  • Group membership is for 5 or more from your organization – $350 and $105 each additional person



  • Individual membership is for one member of your organization — $110
  • Group membership includes anyone from your organization who wants to join – $350


Membership in the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association (DMFA):

  • Offers you professional and career development opportunities that can have an immediate and long-term impact on your success.
  • Opens up network opportunities for you with top professionals in the field allowing you to gain marketing insights … and learn new strategies that can—and will—improve the results of your fundraising campaigns.
  • Aligns you with the industry’s most talented leaders in all fields of direct response and online fundraising.

DMFA Provides a Variety of Membership Options to Best Meet Your Needs

Join today! You receive many exclusive benefits as a DMFA Member, including:

  • A vibrant community of non-profit organizations, direct marketing agencies, and partners, all committed to making fundraising more effective and cost efficient.
  • Easy access and discounts to DMFA webinars, luncheons, networking events, workshops, and more. 
  • Online library of recent and archived webinars, presentation materials, and videos.
  • Opportunity to join a select group of Mid-Level Giving professionals for networking and benchmarking.
  • Free listing in DMFA’s Membership Directory.
  • Post job listings for free and reach fundraising professionals across the industry.
  • Eligibility to participate in and vote for the annual DMFA Awards, seeing the best online, offline, and multichannel campaigns.
  • Nomination rights and eligibility for DMFA Marketer of the Year Award.
  • Subscription to the DMFA’s informative newsletter.
  • Potential to advance your career by applying to be a DMFA Board member.

The DMFA membership year runs one full year from the date you join.