DMFA Newsletters

Get industry news and notifications from the DMFA.


DMFA Members

Image of the members-only site showing the newsletter icon is at the bottoom of the page

If you are a DMFA member you will receive our print newsletter in the mail and have access to it in our members-only area of the site. If you have issues logging in, please contact us at [email protected]. You will also receive a monthly update email just for members as well as other notices about our informative webinars and members-only events.


DMFA Non Members

If you are not a DMFA member, click on Join Our Email Newsletter below to add your email address. You will receive industry information via our monthly update email for non members as well as other notices about our informative webinars and events.

As the DMFA is respectful of your privacy,  you will receive an email from us and need to confirm your email address before you will be added to the list.