Days Left To Enter


The prestigious DMFA AWARDS gives members the opportunity to showcase their very best direct mail, multi-channel and digital fundraising efforts. Winners in each of these categories are voted on by their peers and displayed at the DMFA AWARDS Celebration and Annual Membership Meeting on June 5, 2025 in New York City. Winners will be highlighted throughout the year by the DMFA. The deadline for all entries is April 11, 2025.

It’s Easy to Enter

1. Confirm you are a member!

DMFA Award entries are only eligible if submitted by a member (either partner or nonprofit). If you are not a member, join today!

2. Choose what category (s)  you want to enter.

One entry per member organization is allowed in each category. Entries must have launched or run between January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. Campaigns must be non-profit fundraising appeals and contain an explicit request for donation (no special events packages). Campaigns in the Stewardship category do not need to include a fundraising component, but must be a non-profit communication. The seven categories are: 

  • Direct Mail Acquisition (outside prospect cold solicitation)
  • Direct Mail Appeal/Renewal
  • Direct Mail Mid-Level Renewal/Appeal ($100+ housefile)
  • Digital Appeal/Renewal – must include an email component  
  • Digital Acquisition  (outside cold-prospect targeting through digital channels only)
  • Multichannel – must include 1 direct mail and 1 digital piece
  • Stewardship / Engagement (in-house file with no explicit ask)

3. Create or Sign into your DMFA AWARDS account in REVIEWR.

This is different from your DMFA username and password. If you do not already have a REVIEWR account, you can create one here

4. Fill out the application.

5. Upload your creative.

Below are two sample .jpgs of how to display your campaign’s creative.

Direct Mail: Up to three direct mail campaign images will be accepted.

Digital: Up to three digital images will be accepted.

5. Submit and pay!

 The fee is $150 per submission and it is due by April 11, 2025. Payment not received or postmarked by March 22, 2024 will invalidate your application. Please note that if you are a nonprofit, you can contact us if you have an issue with the funds to cover the entrance fee.

6. Watch our short Video to see how easy it is to submit.

Please note submission is the same as last year. Some dates in the video are from last year but the information is correct!!!

After You Submit

1. Register

Attend the DMFA Awards Celebration and Annual Membership Meeting on June 5, 2025 to vote for the final winners and see if you won! This year a panel of prestigious judges will select the top three submissions from each category and then the final winner will be voted on at the event by one representative of each member organization in attendance.

2. Reap the Benefits of Winning.

Winners of the DMFA Awards are featured throughout the year by the DMFA. They will receive:

  1. Receive special recognition right after the DMFA Awards Celebration in June.
  2. Recognition in the June eNewsletter sent to DMFA members and friends and the Fall print newsletter.
  3. Acknowledgement in all DMFA social channels.
  4. Prominent display on the DMFA website.
  5. Cash Awards for Nonprofit Winners. Runners up will receive a cash award of $150 for the charity of their choice. First place winners will receive a cash award of $300 for their charity of choice.
  6. A winners logo to put on their website indicating that they won this prestigious award.
  7. A plaque commemorating their achievement.