2017 DMFA Award Winners

Overall Winner—Renewal Appeal Category
Package Creator(s): ASPCA
Package Name: Appeal 4 Urgent Gram Donors
Description: This house mailing was sent to donors who donated to a February urgent Gram with the theory that they would want to know where their dollars had gone. They did!
Runner Up—Renewal Appeal Category
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Package Creator(s): RobbinsKersten Direct Package Name: Wall Name Robbing CampaignDescription: Results! 29% lift in response (increase donor retention). 43%, 10% lift in average gift, 184% lift in revenue.
Winner—Renewal Midlevel Category
The Actors Fund Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Company Package Name: In the Spotlight InviteDescription: This emotional invitation from Annette Benning not only tripled gross revenue goals, but had a record average gift of $2753 and added 26 major donors!
Runner Up—Renewal Midlevel Category
Human Rights Watch Package Creator(s): The Harrington Agency Package Name: Partners for Justice – November AppealDescription: Exceeded revenue projections by 108%! This package addressed the urgency to fight for human rights & was tailored to mid-level donors, with 4-page letter and unique reply.
Winner—Acquisition Category
The Statue of Liberty – Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. Package Creator(s): MKDM Package Name: Statue of Liberty Museum Founders InvitationDescription: Announcing the Statue of Liberty Museum, this first time DM acquisition test, achieved jaw-dropping results: 1.89% response, $9 NET per donor, and overall net of $60,000.
Runner Up—Acquisition Category
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WHR Package Creator(s): Faircom New York Package Name: Global Gag Rule ActiongramDescription: After the Trump organization blocked funds for global health, Faircomm NY created an urgent Actiongram mailed to specific rental lists. It has raised $23,827 from new donors.
Winner—Email Category
amfAR, The Foundation for Aids Research Package Creator(s): amfAR/Eidolon Communications Package Name: amfAR’s 2016 “giving Tuesday” email seriesDescription: In a bold graphic departure, amfAR’s giving Tuesday email helped raise nearly twice the previous year’s effort.
Runner Up—Email Category
KCET Package Creator(s): Carl Bloom Associates Package Name: KCET Holiday 2017 Email SeriesDescription: In 2017, KCET raised $81,473 in net revenue and had a $122 average gift with CBA’s seven-part holiday email series, for an ROI of 11:1.
Winner—Multichannel Category
AJWS (American Jewish World Service) Package Creator(s): Tripi Consulting Description: Raising $421,000 this 7-email/2 lightbox/1 mailing High Holidays match campaign yielded average gifts of 4141 (mail) and $234 (online).Runner Up—Multichannel Category
Human Rights Campaign Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Company Package Name: Member Card RenewalDescription: The bold step to mail pre-election paid off. Not only setting an all time revenue record and beating goal by $100,000 but converting 362 monthly donors with annualized income of $225,000.