2023 DMFA Award Winners

Overall Winner—Digital Acquisition Category
Wildlife Conservation Society
Package Creator(s): Stagecoach Digital
Package Name: Don’t Let Them Fade Away
Wildlife Conservation Society wanted to drive home the extinction threat so many species face. Stagecoach developed a bold campaign utilizing animated GIFs to literally show animals fading away. This message worked incredibly well getting wildlife-loving prospects to make their first donation.
Runner Up—Digital Acquisition
Seattle Children's Paid Search Acquisition Package Creator(s): TrueSense Marketing Package Name: Seattle Children’s Paid Search AcquisitionDescription: This first-ever digital acquisition campaign for SCH netted a 7.21% CTR and a 3.3% conversion at a 1.81 ROAS! Even better, 52 of the 344 new gifts were monthly donors, (approximately $26,000 of the $73,287.61). Those monthly donors continue to account for $1513 a month in recurring revenue.
Winner—Direct Mail Acquisition
Heifer International Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Company Package Name: Heifer International Love Your Neighbor Christmas Package TestDescription: Heifer’s work to help families escape hunger and poverty appeals to donors whose Christian values inspire their giving. This phenomenal acquisition succeeded in reaching individuals moved by these values and had double the expected response rate, a $130 average gift, and raised NET income.
Runner Up—Direct Mail Acquisition
Air & Space Forces Association Package Creator(s): K2D Strategies Package Name: AFA September 2022 Punch Out Plane AcquisitionDescription: We developed a unique format with a heavy card-stock P51 Mustang vintage plane that the donor could punch out and assemble into a paper airplane. The campaign garnered a 21% increase in average gift over pre-pandemic campaigns and decreased the investment per donor by 15%.
TIE: Winner—Direct Mail Renewal
National Audubon Society Package Creator(s): O’Brien Garrett Package Name: National Audubon Society Annualized RenewalDescription: This package truly delivered thanks to stunning photography; clean design; powerful messaging on the climate crisis as an urgent existential threat to birds and their habitats as well as donors’ essential role in Audubon’s conservation work; and an irresistible gift match and back-end premium offer.
TIE: Winner—Direct Mail Renewal
MSF-USA Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Company Package Name: MSF-USA Refugee AppealDescription: With a matching gift opportunity and an urgent update on MSF’s work in Ukraine included, an incredible $2.1 million was raised with over a 3.5% response rate. This refugee focused appeal (mailed in the summer when fundraising is slower) was the highest performing issue focused campaign of the year!
Winner—Direct Mail Mid-Level
MSPCA Package Creator(s): DaVinci Direct Package Name: First: Leaders Circle Ren 4-Year End CampaignDescription: This campaign generated 25% more income than the previous year and continues to grow year over year. The package uses creme colored stock, giving it a “high-end” look and feel, and the copy tells the donor how much they mean to the organization and how their support saves many animals.
Runner Up—Direct Mail Mid-Level
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York Package Creator(s): Sanky Communications Package Name: Annual Fall Mid-level AppealDescription: The package highlighted the role the organization plays in providing reproductive and sexual health care in the wake of expanding abortion restrictions across the country. With a tone that is purposeful, the copy reassures donors that PPGNY and its essential services aren’t going anywhere.
Winner—Digital Renewal
National Audubon Society Package Creator(s): Stage Coach Digital Package Name: Audubon's Annual Offer Year-End CampaignDescription: In a first for Audubon, the YE campaign consisted of an annual offer in email. 28% of donations were annual donations resulting in $80,000 additional revenue next year. 69 new monthly donors were converted in the campaign with projected additional revenue to be over $12,000 in the next 12 months.
Runner Up- Digital Renewal
Human Rights Campaign Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Co Package Name: HRC Year End CampaignDescription: HRC knew year-end fundraising would be tricky with 12/31 on a weekend and a tough economy. They pulled out ALL the stops: 25 emails, 11 texts, lightbox, 4 premiums-- and a message that merged hope and joy with urgency. It WORKED with $1 million AND 1,217 new sustainers to fight w. HRC for equality!
Winner- Multichannel
Lutheran World Relief Package Creator(s): CDR Package Name: Ukraine Emergency ResponseDescription: This campaign began less than 48 hrs after the invasion of Ukraine. Our cohesive approach resulted in the most successful direct mail appeal for LWR EVER and the highest revenue generating emergency campaign for LWR EVER. We adapted our approach to maintain momentum as the war stretched on.
TIE Runner Up—Multichannel
Friends of the Smithsonian Package Creator(s): Avalon Consulting Group Package Name: Renewal DM + Text TestDescription: Previous analysis showed that when FOS members received a text, renewal rates were stronger—even if they didn’t renew by text. This test’s higher response rates and additional gross revenue warranted a rollout of this strategy year-round, and we removed TM and shifted that expense to more texts.
TIE: Runner Up- Multichannel
Episcopal Relief & Development Package Creator(s): Sanky Communications Package Name: Ukraine Rapid ResponseDescription: Campaign had an array of messaging across email, web, and social media channels as the organization sought to effectively and responsibly convey updates on the crisis, and on their work to alleviate suffering and establish meaningful goals and direction for funds raised to aid families in Ukraine.
TIE: Winner—Stewardship
League of Women Voters Package Creator(s): MarkeTeam Package Name: Pick Your FavoriteDescription: Campaign launched during a time when democracy was under attack. We wanted to create a Yard Sign constituents could proudly display in the lead up to the election, but we wanted constituents to pick the words and tell us where to display it. Two emails; total votes exceeded 11,000 and $29K raised!
TIE: Winner—Stewardship
The Entertainment Community Fund Package Creator(s): Lautman Maska Neill & Company Package Name: The Entertainment Community Fund Stewardship PackageDescription: The Entertainment Community Fund’s Encore Award was inspired by award shows, with the goal of stewarding donors. Donors were ecstatic to receive their Encore Award, showcasing it on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The award was a blockbuster HIT and donors got their standing ovation.